My Story:
I had come to the acceptance that I just wasn’t meant to be thin, that this was the way that God made me and I just need to accept it. After struggling with weight my entire adult life, having had six boys over a 17 year span of my life, taking every pill, powder, drop, and shake known to man, I finally got to a place that I figured I was meant to be a big girl. I had given up. Although I tried to embrace the idea of being happy wherever I was with my weight, I wasn’t. I would look in the mirror and see myself in pictures and knew there had to be something I could do to kick this weight once and for all. That’s when I discovered Atkins. I had heard of low carb and how it was a lifestyle that people had found success with, and I had even played around with my own version, but I never really fully researched it and what the lifestyle actually was. When I saw the numerous testimonials on Atkins.com, I was sold! I immediately began eliminating processed carbs from my diet and registered on Atkins.com for my free starter kit. I haven’t looked back since, especially since the weight started to disappear and my esteem began to rise. I have encouraged friends and family members to also try Atkins and together we have lost almost 100lbs! I have started a Facebook page, an Instagram, and Twitter : livluvlwcrblife to share recipes, products, and encourage others to embrace this amazing lifestyle. It has become my personal mission to share with others how living a low carb life does work and through the support of Atkins, friends, and family, true happiness can be achieved and no one has to accept that being overweight is the way they were meant to be. Atkins has changed my life and I am eternally grateful!