My Story:
In the year 2000, at age 52, I was 35 lbs. overweight and unhappy with my size. I thought the fatigue I felt was a natural consequence of aging.
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: Within eight months, I lost the 35 lbs and went from a size 16 to a size 8.The lean body of my youth had reappeared. I was thrilled. In addition to the weight loss, the most amazing part was a dramatic increase in energy. I never felt tired during the day, as I had before. My oldest son had a friend who was a photographer. My son was so impressed and proud my new look, he insisted I have his friend take photos and submit them to modeling agencies. This was something I never considered doing at all but to my surprise, I started getting work. It's now eight years later and I model full time with agents in Boston, New York and Miami. I have studied acting and have worked in TV and film. Now I'm 66 but look and feel better today than I did at 40. I exercise regularly and still follow the Atkins principles. If I put on a couple of pounds, I simply go on a two-week induction and the weight is gone. I love the meal replacement bars and eat them regularly. I find the maintenance phase extremely easy to follow and it has become part of my life. I also had my HDL go from 35 to 88 since I've been on the Atkins way of life. The Atkins Nutritional Approach dramatically changed my life (for the better).