My Story:
I started Atkins because I was miserable in my own skin. I had to do something, anything. I had seen people in my life do Atkins, so I knew results would come quickly. I had always gotten discouraged very easily, so I needed something that would work quickly. Atkins gave me the ability to lose weight without being hungry. How amazing to be losing weight and not starve? It took about nine months to lose the weight, and I lost about ten to 12 pounds a month. In February 2012, it will be seven years since I started Atkins and kept the weight off. Overcoming temptation is always mind over matter for me. I tried on a dress for a special occasion for the first time after losing the weight, and the dress fit. I remember walking out of the dressing room and telling my mom “This tastes better than a piece of pizza.” And it did! I still remember that, and it helps me resist temptation. I have changed my whole way of thinking about food. It is a momentary satisfaction, and I know if I cheat, I will spend more time feeling guilty than I did actually enjoying it. My life is a complete 360-degree difference than it once was. I have confidence I never had. I used to hide behind my weight, always layering up on clothing, constantly shifting around, never being comfortable in my own skin. Now I’m OK being the center of attention, and I am finally able to be completely me. I never thought in a million years that I could do this. I was the biggest carb junkie but once I made that decision that was it. I have since become someone I am proud of and my kids are proud of me.
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: I love the Atkins bars. Chocolate-chip cookie dough flavor is my favorite!
My Goals:
Not provided.