My Story:
My Story: In April 2011, I returned to my hometown in central Ohio and was eager to look great for my friends and family. I decided to eat the same types of food, but not eat as much and eliminate high-calorie snack foods such as ice cream, candy, cookies, etc. Unfortunately, my old neighbors, friends and family did not compliment me at all and the following week we went on a cruise to the Cayman Islands and Honduras. I was literally horrified when we returned home and saw the pictures from our stay in Ohio and on the cruise. When we arrived in Ohio I thought I saw a slim, attractive young lady in the mirror, but the pictures did not lie, and I saw an overweight, unhealthy and unattractive old lady. I knew immediately I had to make a change in my life because I wanted to look fit, healthy and most importantly, attractive. This journey started around June 15th, 2011, and by the end of the first week my energy level had increased ten-fold, and I spent the whole weekend getting much needed chores done, played outside with my daughter and went for a bike ride with the whole family. It has taken me about three months to lose 40 pounds, including 15 pounds in the first two weeks. My husband and daughter helped tremendously during my journey. Also, the Atkins community site helped with additional recipes, what to order in restaurants and support. Atkins has made a big change in my life and in my family’s life. I feel strong, confident and attractive. I have had new opportunities in life that only could contribute to Atkins. I took my daughter to an audition in San Francisco and the agent suggested I audition and I read some cold lines. I thought it was silly to pursue at my age and thought “Why not?” I made it through the audition and signed a two-year contract! I have inspired everyone around me. I share as much information as possible, and refer to the Atkins book as a must-read. One can only appreciate Atkins by reading the book and getting to know how it is truly done. Atkins is not just about changing your eating habits, but incorporating exercise into your life.
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: Burritos wrapped in lettuce and I also love the portabella mushroom pizza.
My Goals:
Not provided.