My Story:
I tore my “Miss New York” sash off and stormed out of the room, straight into mother’s arms. I wasn’t enraged over losing a beauty contest, but wounded that my two friends, Kara and Rachel, had just let me in on a secret – I was fat. I was seven years old. Throughout elementary and high school, I was teased about my weight. By the time I graduated from high school, I weighed over 200 pounds. Finally, during my sophomore year of college, I decided to try the Atkins diet. The program, combined with an exercise routine helped me drop 65 pounds over a 10-month period. I’ve kept the weight off for eight years.
My Goals:
To lose enough weight to be healthy and feel comfortable in my own skin.
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: The Atkins program allowed me to eat real food, without ever feeling like I was depriving myself or on a diet. Atkins taught me a lifestyle, for which I am forever grateful.