Low Carb Grilled Pizza Wrap Recipe

Net Carbs
Net Carbs
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Phase: Phase 2
Difficulty: Moderate
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Phase: Phase 2
Difficulty: Moderate
* Any adjustments made to the serving values will only update the ingredients of that recipe and not change the directions.

How to Calculate Atkins Net Carbs
Atkins Net Carbs = Total Carbohydrates – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols/Glycerin (if applicable)
43 grams Mission Carb Balance Spinach Herb Tortillas, 43g/1 tortilla
0 1/16 cup Spaghetti/Marinara Sauce (tomato sauce)
0 1/8 cup (42.5g) Spinach, baby
1 oz Mozzarella Cheese, whole milk
0 1/2 ounce Uncured Pork & Beef Pepperoni (4 slices=1 oz)
1 1tsp Olive Oil
- Make a cut in the tortilla from the center to the edge. In the quarter of the tortilla to the left of the cut, smear the marinara sauce. Moving clockwise, fill the next quarter with baby spinach. In the next quarter, place ½ ounce cheese on the tortilla and top with pepperoni. In the last quarter, place the remaining cheese on the tortilla.
- Starting with the marinara sauce, fold that quarter of the tortilla on top of the quarter with the spinach, sandwiching the fillings between tortilla layers. Fold that section over the pepperoni, finishing with the cheese only quarter.
- Heat a small non-stick skillet over medium high heat. Swirl in the oil, and place the wrap in the pan. Cook for 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the tortilla is browned, then flip and cook for another 5 minutes. The exterior should be browned and crispy and the cheese should be melted. Enjoy while hot!
Cooking Tip