Homemade Keto Marshmallows Recipe

Net Carbs
Net Carbs
Prep Time: 140 Minutes
Cook Time: 7 Minutes
Phase: Phase 1
Difficulty: Moderate
Cook Time: 7 Minutes
Phase: Phase 1
Difficulty: Moderate
* Any adjustments made to the serving values will only update the ingredients of that recipe and not change the directions.

How to Calculate Atkins Net Carbs
Atkins Net Carbs = Total Carbohydrates – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols/Glycerin (if applicable)
1 cup tap water
2 Tbsp dry gelatin, unsweetened
1 1/2 cup Magic Baker zero sugar baking blend, Splenda
0 1/4 tsp table salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
- Prepare an 8-inch by 8-inch baking pan with parchment paper.
- Into the bowl of a stand mixer, place ½ cup warm tap water. Sprinkle gelatin over the top and stir, then set aside.
- Into a medium saucepan, place the remaining ½ cup water, sweetener, and salt over medium heat. Stir and warm until sweetener dissolves and small bubbles start to form around the edges of the pan. Do not bring to a boil.
- Using the whisk attachment for the stand mixer, mix gelatin on low pouring a thin stream of the warm sweetener into the running mixer. Turn mixer up to medium speed and mix until it doubles in volume and becomes a thick foam, at least 15 minutes.
- Pour into the prepared pan, smoothing the top. Refrigerate until no longer sticky, about 2 hours, before cutting into 16 even squares. Store in the refrigerator and consume within a week. One piece as described is one serving.
Cooking Tip
No sugar added marshmallows are surprisingly easy to make using a stand mixer with a whip attachment. The key to these fluffy treats is to allow them to whip for at least 15 minutes to get fluffy and stay that way! These marshmallows will dissolve in warm drinks, and will brown over a campfire, although they do melt quickly so watch closely!