Daily Life on Atkins

December 4, 2014

One of the reasons that Atkins remains so popular almost four decades after Dr. Atkins wrote his first book is that it’s easy to eat low-carb foods wherever you are.

Eating In?
If you love to cook and dine at home most nights, it’s a cinch to convert classic recipes to equally delectable low-carb versions. Our recipe database is also bursting with over 1,600 delicious recipes for low-carb foods. But how about when you’re out and about? Again, you can follow the Atkins dietary guidelines almost anywhere.

Eating Out?
Check out our inside advice on restaurants to get some key ground rules under your belt. Whether you’re grabbing fast food at lunch time or grabbing some burgers on the way home after a long day, we’ll steer your toward the smart low-carb choices. If you love to try different cuisines, Atkins has you covered there as well.

On the Move
The best intentions can get left behind when you pack your bags. Not so when you follow our advice when you’re on the road or out of town. And having an Atkins bar or shake in your backpack, briefcase or purse at all times is the ultimate insurance policy.

Bottom line: once you commit yourself to the Atkins lifestyle, you can make it work wherever you are.

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