Colette's Blog

Tis’ The Season To Eat Turkey!

November 12, 2014

Hello! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! What a great holiday to be on the Atkins diet! You can eat as much turkey, sausage, and veggies as you want!

I’ve heard a few of you saying it will be tough to get through Thanksgiving and the Holiday season. Stop worrying and start preparing! Get out your Atkins cookbook (or go on the Atkins website, they have loads of free recipes there) and design your dinner menu around your new lifestyle. If you didn’t already know, the Atkins diet includes delicious foods like meatloaf, roast turkey and real bacon. Now that’s something to be thankful for!

Also, get your family involved. You all have such a fabulous support system here online, how about at home? Make it an Atkins Thanksgiving, request that people bring healthier options, challenge your family members to make something that’s both delicious and nutritious. Then, when you’re at the dinner table, slow down and take time to really savor each bite of your meal. I ask myself – did you savor it or did you swallow it? When I savor it, the meal is so much more satisfying.

I’ve promised myself that this year I’ve got to stay away from the chocolates, cakes, and pies, so I’m keeping the desserts in a separate room. I’ve got to stay focused and keep reminding myself why I’m doing this. This will be Pearl’s first Thanksgiving. Seeing her and the rest of the family is the best motivation I could ask for. I look at them and I’m reminded that this is about something so much bigger than a diet, it’s a commitment to living a healthier lifestyle so I can be there for my family. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, let me know what you’re eating, and what you’re thankful for!

All my love and support,


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