Colette's Blog

The Carnivore Diet and Atkins


Written by Colette Heimowitz, M.Sc. on November 21, 2024.

November 21, 2024

We explore the difference between these two low carb approaches.

The Carnivore Diet and the Atkins Diet are both low carbohydrate diets, but they differ in approach, food variety and nutritional philosophy.

What Do You Eat on the Carnivore Diet?

This eating style is exclusively animal-based, focusing on meat, fish, eggs, and animal products like butter. It avoids plant-based foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

What Do You Eat on Atkins?

The Atkins lifestyle focuses on foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates and sugar, coming from various sources, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, fiber-rich, low-carb vegetables and fruits, nuts and some whole grains.

While both Atkins and Carnivore are high in protein and low in carbs and sugar, Carnivore is considered “zero carb” in nature, aiming to eliminate all carbs. It is a ketogenic diet in which your body burns fat and ketones for fuel as its primary energy sources.

Atkins is considered low carb, with a sustainable carb intake that varies for each person, depending on goal and carb tolerance. Like the Carnivore Diet, Atkins’ lowest level of carb intake (20 grams of Net Carbs a day) can be considered ketogenic but is not “zero carb” and still includes fiber-rich, low carb Foundation Vegetables.

How Carnivore Works with Atkins

While Carnivore may be a challenge to maintain for the long term, its high protein and zero carb intake may be a short-term option, much like Atkins 20, phase 1, as a reset after a period of higher carb intake (for example, after the holidays) or to help reduce food cravings.

Nine Tips for an Atkins-Style Carnivore Diet

  1. Prioritize High-Quality Meats
  2. Opt for various meats, such as beef, pork, lamb and organ meats, to get a broader range of nutrients. Grass-fed and pasture-raised meats provide more omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients.
  3. Include organ meats like liver or heart. These are rich in vitamins and minerals that can be challenging to obtain on a meat-only diet.
  4. Incorporate Eggs and Seafood
  5. Eggs are nutrient-dense and packed with protein, healthy fats, and vitamins like choline and B. They’re a great way to diversify your protein sources.
  6. Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel provide omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health and inflammation reduction.
  7.  Don’t Skimp on Fats
  8. For a satisfying flavor boost and to avoid feeling deprived, include high-quality animal fats like butter, ghee, tallow and fatty cuts of meat. These fats will help you stay in ketosis and fuel your body.
  9. Adding bone marrow, fatty fish, and lamb is a great way to increase fat intake while keeping meals satisfying.
  10.  Stay Hydrated and Maintain Electrolytes
  11. Meat-based diets can be naturally diuretic, so drinking enough water and replenishing electrolytes is essential. Consider adding a pinch of sea salt to your water or drinking bone broth to keep maintain your sodium levels
  12. Supplement with magnesium and potassium as needed to prevent cramps, fatigue and dehydration, which can occur when carbs are very low.
  13.  Eat to Satiety, Not Restriction
  14. One benefit of a Carnivore Diet is that animal proteins and fats are naturally filling, making it easier to avoid overeating. Listen to your body and eat until you’re comfortably full.
  15. Experiment with Different Cooking Methods
  • Vary your cooking methods to keep meals interesting—try grilling, slow-cooking, braising and broiling. Fresh herbs, spices and simple seasonings like salt and pepper can enhance flavors.
  • Watch Your Nutrient Intake
  • Because you’re excluding plant-based foods, it’s wise to monitor your intake of vitamins and minerals. Consider incorporating nutrient-rich options like egg yolks, liver and seafood to help maintain a balanced diet. A basic multivitamin can also help fill some potential gaps.
  • Ease Into It
  • You can start slowly by gradually reducing vegetables and plant-based foods over time. This approach allows your body to adjust to higher fat and protein intake, minimizing potential side effects.
  • Plan for Social Situations
  • When dining out, look for options like steak, burgers (without the bun) or seafood dishes.

Try these tips to make your Atkins-style Carnivore diet more balanced, sustainable and delicious while achieving your wellness goals.



Colette Heimowitz, M.Sc.

Nutrition Advisor

Colette Heimowitz, M.Sc. is a former Director of Nutrition at The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine in New York City. With 20+ years of experience as a nutrition expert, the NY Times best-selling author is the current Nutrition Advisor at Simply Good Foods Company.

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