I can tell you from personal experience that breads and sugar are the enemy. Even if you’re on a diet or not, everyone should try your best to stay away from white bread and sugar.
When I would eat these foods, it was like an addiction. I would constantly crave more and more of this rubbish which has absolutely no nutritional benefit and I mean NONE! Sugar and white breads get absorbed very quick by the body – which makes your blood sugar spike and then you crash. Suddenly you’re looking for something else to eat to lift you back up again. It’s a vicious cycle which can make you pack on the pounds and also can lead to health issues such as diabetes, and heart disease. Believe me, it’s simply not worth it!
I try and get all my fiber and carbs from veggies and whole grains as much as I can, but I say NO to sugar! Cutting out these two things alone has been a huge part of my success on Atkins. Now that I’ve gone without them for so long, I hardly crave them anymore.
What has helped you kick sugars and breads to the curb? Let’s hear it!
Big Kiss…
Mrs. O