Colette's Blog
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Keeping it Simple
If you’re reading this, it’s quite likely you have lost weight on all sorts of diets. Only to regain those stubborn pounds as soon as you resume your previous eating habits. What will make Atkins the diet that allows you to actually lose the weight, and keep it off… for good? It’s simple. Stop thinking
Read MoreMind Control and Weight Control?
Did you know that brain imaging studies have shown that pictures of delicious food can stimulate the urge to eat? I’m sure you’ve been there. Think of a menu at a chain restaurant; how can you resist the smothered potato skins or sizzling burger and fries, not to mention the double-decker sundae, when the Technicolor
Read MoreDon’t Let Success Get the Best of You
Say you’re 5 or 10 pounds from your goal weight; the end is in sight, and you’re closer than ever to achieving what you’ve worked so hard for. Then the pounds start creeping back on; before you know it, that magic number that was so close is a distant memory. Has this every happened to
Read MoreLess Is Not More on Atkins
Suddenly the days are warmer, and whatever extra pounds you have accumulated over the winter months can no longer be hidden under sweaters and jeans. It is also likely that with the warmer weather, your appetite has also changed. You may want to eat less, and you may be craving different foods. But now is
Read MoreMore Research: Low-Carb Works for Long-Term Weight Loss and Heart Health
A new meta-analysis (combining and analyzing the results of different studies) released in the June issue of the British Journal of Nutrition shows that a low-carb diet like Atkins is more effective for long-term weight loss (after the one- and two-year mark) than a conventional low-fat diet. In addition, it showed that a low-carb diet
Read MoreMeat of the Matter
It was all over the internet and news this week so you probably heard about a new study, published on June 17 in JAMA Internal Medicine, that claimed there is a link between red meat consumption and Type 2 diabetes. It indicated that increased consumption of red meat over time was linked to an increased
Read MoreMaking Atkins Work—at Work
Your office can be a danger zone full of processed carbs and sugary treats. Whether you’re encountering doughnuts in the break room or it’s the boss’s birthday and everyone’s going out to celebrate at lunch, there are temptations at every turn. Maybe it’s lunchtime, and fast food is your only quick option. Or you’re too
Read More27 Easy Low Carb Snack Ideas
One of the reasons the Atkins Diet is so effective and so pleasurable to do is that you can have a midmorning and a midafternoon snack. That way, you’ll head off fatigue, jitters, inability to concentrate, ravenous cravings for inappropriate foods or overeating at your next meal. But not just any snack will do: They
Read MoreDo Diets Work? Yes!
A new study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, an American Heart Association journal, questions whether diets are actually effective in helping people lose weight, keep it off and decrease risk factors for heart disease. After analyzing clinical trials on four popular diets—Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers and Zone—the study found that these diets
Read MoreI’ve decided it’s time to start eating healthier and I’m doing it with Atkins!
Welcome to my blog! I just started on the diet two weeks ago and I’ll be keeping you all updated on my progress here. So far I’ve lost 11 pounds, hooray! I wanted to start eating healthier to be there for my growing family, so I’m glad I found Atkins to keep me on track. I’ve been eating
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