Colette's Blog
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Diabesity: The Epidemic of Obesity and Diabetes
One of the most disturbing trends in an age of growing waistlines is the increasing onset of diabetes in the U.S. According to the American Diabetes Association, there are over 25.8 million children and adults in the United States, or 8.3% of the population, who have diabetes. The Center for Disease Control has reported that
Read MoreA Few Pearls from Research Roundup
I usually spend a lot of time keeping my figure on the pulse of emerging Atkins Research. In my poking around recently, I came across these pearls of wisdom I found interesting. Common sense really, but interesting in the sense that they actually studied this. Enjoy! Mind the exercise. Physical activity may help stave off
Read MoreAtkins Demands a Correction and an Apology
Déjà vu all over again. Have you ever noticed that if negative news comes out that has anything to do with “lower-carb” or “higher-protein” diets, the media automatically assumes it has everything to do with Atkins, when in many (and very often most) cases, they are dead wrong. Well, it’s happened again. In its most
Read MoreOnce Again, More Science
It seems like all I’ve been writing about lately is breaking news on newly released scientific studies, and right when I decided it was time to focus on something else, here comes another study that I must share with you. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) shows that
Read MoreMagic Weight-Loss Pill? Not So Fast
Well, it’s official. The inmates are now running the asylum. Reversing an earlier decision, the medical experts on FDA’s Drug Panel cleared the way for a new weight-loss drug that is supposed to suppress the appetite. Lorcaserin—to be marketed as Belviq in the United States—was rejected in 2010 for causing tumors in tested animals, plus
Read MoreIs a Food Journal the Secret to Weight Loss?
Research Says Yes! According to a new study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women who kept a food journal lost more weight than those who didn’t. I’ve always thought that a food journal is a valuable tool when it comes to
Read MoreSmall but Significant Changes
Atkins has evolved over the years in response to the latest nutritional research. For example, we now encourage consuming considerably more low glycemic vegetables—we call them foundation vegetables—from the get-go. In fact, no less than 12 to 15 grams of the 20 grams of Net Carbs you’ll be eating should be in the form of
Read MoreAtkins-Friendly Low-Carb Food Prep
It’s that time of the year again. Children are starting to go back to school, many summer vacations are drawing to an end, and our thoughts turn to school supplies and schedules. This is the perfect opportunity to streamline your low-carb food prep routine and weekly meal planning. Here are some tips: Shop ahead. Pick
Read MoreNews Flash: Low-Fat Diets Aren’t For Everyone?!
Have you ever struggled through the ups and downs of a low-fat diet without losing weight, and/or even gaining weight in the long run because it was not a diet that worked with your body? Meanwhile all you heard from medical professionals and through the media was that a low-fat diet was the only way
Read MoreWeight a Minute: Your Age and the Scale
Is an expanding waistline an unavoidable part of growing older, along with those smile lines and crow’s feet? Not necessarily. Research and experts in the field concur that gaining weight need not be an inevitable side effect of aging. Here is what you need to know: Gaining weight as we age is all about muscle
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