Colette's Blog
Recent Posts
Carb Cycling: If It Were Only That Simple
There has been a lot of coverage on carb cycling in the media lately. Most recently, a new study reported that just two days a week of low-carb eating was more effective at reducing weight and lowering blood levels of insulin, and helping to prevent breast cancer and other diseases, than a standard, daily calorie-restricted,
Read MoreNew Year, New You: Achieving Your Atkins Weight-Loss Resolutions
If you spend any time on the web right now, you’ll see all sorts of stories devoted to New Year’s weight-loss resolutions. Why not us, why not now? Plus, this gives me an opportunity to shamelessly promote the new cook book. Whether you are just starting Atkins for the first time, coming back after a
Read MoreIt’s January, So Let’s Talk Plateaus
Weight-loss plateaus: They are one of our most popular topics this time of the year, especially if you are new to Atkins. If you resolved that 2012 would be the year to lose the weight, you may be about two or three weeks into the process. I’ve been on the Community Forums, and have seen
Read MoreEmbracing the New You
There are so many positive aspects to losing weight. Not only does dropping the pounds help improve your health, it gives you more energy and helps your clothes fit better. But it also brings up some deeper body image issues. It means accepting your new body, especially if you were used to hiding behind the
Read MoreWhen It’s More Than a Just a Plateau
I’ve discussed plateaus many times before, and I’ve always encouraged you to have patience and follow Atkins exactly how it is written, with the idea that soon you will start to lose weight again. But, there comes a time when you feel you’ve done everything exactly right, and the weeks (and maybe even months) continue
Read MoreSweet Nothings
Do you think sugar is as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco? According to a just-released report in the research journal Nature, added sugars in processed foods and drinks are responsible for so many cases of chronic disease and premature deaths that they recommend their use should be regulated, just like alcohol and tobacco. This finding
Read MoreCraving Fatty Foods? It May Be Genetic
You may have seen news about this on our Forums and Facebook page, but a new study in the journal of Obesity shows that people who have certain forms of the CD36 gene may like high-fat foods more than those with other forms of this gene. If you have this gene, this explains why you
Read MoreThe Scoop On Calories
The Scoop on Calories One of the biggest misconceptions among low-carbers is the following notion: I can eat whatever I want as long as it’s low carb. Person after person has come to me, telling me “I’ve tried that Atkins thing and it didn’t work.” “Really?” I ask. “What were you doing?” They then proceed
Read MorePlanning an Atkins Dinner Party
An estimated 10 million Americans are following some variation of a low-carb program, so it only makes sense that some of your nearest and dearest friends — not to mention a family member or two — are among these weight-loss winners. (Larger picture: Our nation is in the midst of a serious epidemic of obesity.)
Read MoreMore Good News About Atkins
A brand new study from Johns Hopkins University just presented yesterday at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2012 conference in San Diego found that dieters who followed a low-carb diet like Atkins shed more weight than those on a low-fat diet (10 pounds more in six months). The low-carb
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