Colette's Blog

One Fabulous Year On Atkins

November 12, 2014

I cannot believe it has been a whole year since I got started on Atkins. Time has flown by, and so much has changed.

I’m feeling more confident now, I’m much more comfortable in my clothes. My health has improved, and I’m walking more than ever.

Atkins is something that I do for myself. It’s not for anybody else, it’s for me, and I like that. It’s also something I can rely on. No matter what else is going on in my life, I’m in control of my weight and what I’m eating. I don’t go sabotaging myself anymore. When I’m mad or sad, I’m not running off to the fridge for an ice cream.

I haven’t had potato chips or fizzy drinks in a year and I do not miss them at all, especially the fizzy drinks.

When I first got started, I was uncomfortable in my clothes, uncomfortable in my skin, and that’s not nice, it’s the worst feeling to have. If you’re feeling that way, you can change that.

I was talking about all this on KTLA the other morning and the anchors were surprised to hear you can have chocolate on Atkins. Yes! They have these little chocolate candies that are absolutely fabulous! I’ve got loads of them in my dressing room because everyone at “The Talk” is always coming in to steal them!

So how about you? What is different about your life since you’ve started on Atkins? Are you going steady or needing support? Let’s hear all about it!

All My Love and Support,

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