Colette's Blog

Look for me on Extra TV tonight!

November 12, 2014

Hello! How are you? I can’t believe it’s summer already! Any special plans?

I just got finished taping a segment on Extra about looking and feeling your best this summer, and I’ve shared some photos from the shoot if you’d like to have a look.

There is one of me getting my makeup touched-up before the shoot in Extra’s green room, and you can see they have set out some snacks for everyone. I’m always saying that I love how Atkins fits into my daily life and that it’s livable, and this is a perfect example. I didn’t have to make a fuss about getting special snacks or show up with a blender to make some wicked concoction, I could just choose something from the food they set out. The chicken skewers and crisp romaine worked perfectly!

When I finally sat down with Mario, I talked about changing my lifestyle and losing weight with Atkins, as well as some of the new goodies they have out there like the frozen meals. We cleared up some old misconceptions some people might have had about Atkins and broke open one of the Starter Packs. I started to explain what was in it, but he went right for the chocolate brownie bar!

There are some great photos of Mario and I digging in to the starter pack, and there is one last photo we took for all of you!

It was a lot of fun, look for the interview tonight on Extra!

All My Love and Support,

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