Colette's Blog

It’s good to be back! I need to catch up, so let’s hear it, fill me in!

November 12, 2014

Hello! It’s good to be back! How have you all been? What have I missed? I need to catch up, so let’s hear it, fill me in!

I’ve been going strong and steady. I was over in Europe, so I had to adapt to certain things like not having the convenience of the frozen meals, but when I started on Atkins there were no frozen meals, so I was fine. I just stuck to the carb counter. I’m curious, for those of you who have been on Atkins for a long time, do you go for the frozen meals now or are you in a steady rhythm of cooking with the carb counter?

I’m glad I was able to stay on track, not just for my body, but for my mind and energy as well. When I was heavier, 30 minutes of walking would tire me out, I needed to rest all the time. Now I have so much more energy and I even feel more eager to get things done. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m more productive, I know how much better it feels to take on my to do list than to keep putting things off.

I’m also more balanced. I don’t go binging on junk food when things go wrong, so a problem is just a problem, it doesn’t have all the added guilt and bad feelings from overeating about it. I never thought of it like this before, but eating junk when you feel like junk just adds more junk to your life!

That’s all for now. I’m looking forward to hearing back.

All my love and support,


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