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-29--20 of 21 Results for "Protein"

Keep on Track with Healthy Snacks

It’s relatively easy to follow a healthy eating plan at home. You stock your fridge and pantry with the foods you want to be able to reach, and you aren’t tempted by shelves full of junk you don’t need. But when you’re on the go — on vacation, at the office or just out and Read More

In the News: More Kudos for Protein (and More Triumphs for Reducing Carbohydrates)

A report published in the prestigious Archives of Internal Medicine (Feb 13, 2006) adds more evidence to the accumulating research showing that low-carb diets get weight off. The report- which analyzed the findings of five major studies comparing low-fat and low-carb diets– found that low-carb diets do indeed help people shed pounds more quickly than Read More

Faster—and Better

A recent study confirms that consuming a diet high in protein rather than one high in carbs makes it easier to shed fat while preserving muscle. The scientific evidence for the effectiveness of higher protein has been building steadily over the past few years. One study by Donald Layman, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition at Read More

Calcium + Protein = Strong Bones

Ever since the 1970s, nutritionists have been arguing over the role of protein in maintaining bone health. Some claim a high-protein diet makes the body excrete more calcium, which in turn could weaken bones. Others assert just the opposite: That dietary protein is essential for maintaining strong bones. Who’s right? Recent research strongly suggests that Read More

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

Learn How Much Protein You Should Be Eating The question “How much protein do I need?” is one which really has no simple answer. But emerging evidence is suggesting that we may need more than was previously believed. Conventional wisdom has always been that the “average” person needs about .8 grams of protein per kilogram Read More

An Appetite Reducing Food that Benefits Your Health

A study from Pennington Biomedical Center in Louisiana shows that eating eggs for breakfast can be a potent way to feel more satisfied during the day. Researchers divided women into two groups. One group ate eggs for breakfast- along with a little toast and jam- the other ate a bagel with cream cheese and yogurt. Read More

A Recent Study Confirms That Consuming a Diet High in Protein Rather Than One High in Carbs makes it Easier to Shed Fat While Preserving Muscle

The scientific evidence for the effectiveness of higher protein has been building steadily over the past few years. One study by Donald Layman, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, is a good example. The comparative study looked at two different weight-loss approaches. Twenty-four overweight women aged 45 to 46 participated Read More

Effect of Protein Intake and Physical Activity on 24-h Pattern and Rate of Macronutrient Utilization

Summary: The following information was written by Atkins professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a high-protein intake compared with a “normal”-protein intake on energy substrate utilization (burning protein, fat or carbohydrate for energy). Fourteen men were placed on a standardized diet and exercise regimen for six days. Then, six Read More

Dietary Protein Intake and Renal Function

Summary: Dietary protein intake and renal function Recent trends in weight loss diets have led to a substantial increase in protein intake by individuals. As a result, the safety of habitually consuming dietary protein in excess of recommended intakes has been questioned. In particular, there is concern that high protein intake may promote renal damage Read More

Want to Extend Life?

Getting the most from your calories by choosing nutrient dense foods high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats is a great health strategy, no matter what your goals. What about counting calories? There’s been a recent spate of articles in the popular press about the life-extending effects of reducing calories. Calorie reduction Read More

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