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331-340 of 464 Results for "All"

Low glycemic diet protects your eyes

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in older Americans . The Archives of Ophthalmology estimated that 1.75 million U.S. residents now have significant symptoms associated with age-related macular degeneration and that number is expected to grow to almost 3 million. Smoking, poor diet and obesity all increase the risk. Other Read More

Inflamation and Your Heart

You have undoubtedly heard all about high cholesterol and high LDL levels and their relationship to increased risk factors for heart. But another important—and insidious—factor for heart disease is inflammation. In simple terms, inflammation is a catchall word that encompasses the processes by which your body protects you from unfamiliar and potentially damaging substances. One Read More

Identifying Independent Risk Factors for Stroke

The December 11, 2001, issue of Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association (AHA), published a study by Tanne et al. of Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, Israel. It reported on more than 11,000 individuals with coronary heart disease but no previous history of stroke or transient ischemic attacks (TIA). All were followed Read More

How To Reduce Your Risk For Metabolic Syndrome

If metabolic syndrome, formerly known as syndrome X, is indeed a disease of insulin resistance—as it almost surely is—that’s good news for Atkins followers. Here’s why: • High blood sugar (glucose) levels are a signal that the body may be having trouble processing carbs. • High insulin levels usually go hand in hand with high Read More

Dukan Diet, Where Is The Science

Where is the Science? Atkins Nutritionals is aware of no science nor clinical research that supports the claims made for the Dukan Diet. Absolutely no research has been done on the diet to substantiate its claims. In fact, the British Dietetic Association branded the Dukan Diet one of the five worst diets of 2011. Contrast Read More

Dealing with Gallbladder Disorders

The message that your gallbladder is sending could very well be this: Beware the effects of bad nutrition. In recent years surgeons have been increasingly removing gallbladders, presumably in an attempt to treat gallstones and related disorders. But the gallbladder is fundamental to your well-being. Among other functions, it stores bile, a powerful fat-emulsifying substance Read More

Changing Your Eating Style

The typical American way of eating is grossly mismatched to the normal human metabolism. Most obesity is the result of metabolic disturbances, resulting from long-term inappropriate food choices, not the over-consumption of fat.  Studies consistently show that sugar, refined white flour, starchy carbohydrates and junk foods are bad for your health, your energy level, your Read More

We <3 Zucchini! Tips for this delicious summer squash

Zucchini season peaks in the summer, and the time is ripe to enjoy this vibrant squash. A half-cup of cooked, sliced zucchini has about 15 calories, only 1.5 grams of net carbs and is perfect for any Phase of Atkins. It is packed with nutrients, including beta-carotene, B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C and calcium, Read More

Worst Idea of the week: “Fat-Free Living” Month.

According to the USDA, which has never been exactly a “thought leader” when it comes to food and nutrition, January is Fat Free Living Month. This is possibly the worst idea the USDA has ever come up with, with the possible exception of the 1992 Food Pyramid. Virtually every health professional now understands that fat Read More

What’s In Season? Veggies! More ways to enjoy your veggies on Atkins

Even in Phase 1 of Atkins, you should be eating between 12 and 15 grams of net carbs of vegetables every day. Vegetables are full of important nutrients and add colorful variety to the foods you eat every day. As the days get warmer and summer approaches, your choice of vegetables becomes even more varied. Read More

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