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321-330 of 464 Results for "All"

Vegetable Superstars

Full of fiber and phytonutrients, veggies are one of the best sources of carbohydrates.Not only do veggies offer wondrous variety in taste and texture, but their virtues are also firmly grounded in scientific research. If you choose the right ones, vegetables are high-powered nutrient packages. These advantages come—once again, if you choose your vegetables carefully—at Read More

Starting Your Day With A High Fiber Breakfast

Fiber is an important part of a healthy lifestyle because it helps you feel full sooner and longer and minimizes the impact of carbs on your blood-sugar and insulin levels, making weight management easier. A high-fiber diet also reduces your risks for a host of ailments, including heart disease1, digestive disorders2, diabetes3 and certain cancers4. Read More

Learn About the Two Types of Fiber: Soluble and Insoluble

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: You can’t get too much fiber. Our Paleolithic ancestors consumed between 50-100 grams a day. The National Cancer Institute recommend between 25-35 grams a day; for adults under 50 and the Institute of Medicine suggests a minimum of 38 grams a day for men and 25 Read More

Fiber: A Special Kind of Carbohydrate

Perhaps your grandmother called it roughage; physicians call it bulk. No matter what it’s called, dietary fiber traditionally used for relieving constipation is an important consideration when changing the way you eat to a lifetime of healthy eating. What exactly is fiber? Simply put, dietary fiber is the indigestible parts of plant cells. Although it Read More

Waist Size Predicts Heart Failure (more reasons to reduce your waist size)

The main reason people over 65 wind up in the hospital is heart failure, also known as “congestive heart failure.” And the very best predictor of whether or not you’re likely to get heart failure might surprise you. It’s waist size. A new study published in the journal Circulation(1) tracked data from two Swedish population Read More

The Role of Dietary Fats and Cholesterol in Heart Health

The Role of Dietary Fats and Cholesterol in Heart Health It’s time to demystify dietary fats and explain their impact on risk factors for heart disease and other health problems. You’ll learn about the various types of fat–as well as some basics about cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides–then find out how the Atkins can be Read More

The Importance of Low Glycemic Impact, Part 1

When you make smart carbohydrate choices, you need to know which ones have the greatest impact on your blood sugar and which do not. A controlled carbohydrate way of eating provides you with a powerhouse of nutrients to support your health and your newly stabilized blood-sugar levels. You will need to make certain trade-offs, but Read More

Sugar and Age-Inducing Glycation

When people have diabetes, their organs and tissues mimic those of much older individuals, meaning the disease appears to cause the body to age at an accelerated pace. Why should high blood sugar damage skin, nerves, eyes, joints and arteries?Part of the answer appears to lie in glucose’s propensity, as it floats around in your Read More

Food Safety Tips

Atkins Products Atkins Bars & Shakes Atkins shakes do not need to be refrigerated until after they are opened. Atkins shakes are packaged in Tetra Paks that allows even the most sensitive products (like our milk based shakes) to stay fresh up to 12 months without refrigeration. The cap on the Tetra Pak cuts through Read More

Myths and Facts of the Atkins Nutritional Approach

Myth: The Atkins Nutritional Approach is only effective for weight loss because calories are restricted. Fact: While some of those who follow the Atkins Nutritional Approach may eat fewer calories than before, it is not because the program is restrictive or unduly limits food intake. People who are doing Atkins may be eating fewer calories Read More

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