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301-310 of 464 Results for "All"

Diabetes Month 2008

“Diabetics don’t die from diabetes”, says Dave Leonardi, MD, Medical Director of the Leonardi Executive Health Institute in Denver. “They die of complications from the disease”. This might seem like a minor point but it’s not. Diabetics have elevated risks for many other diseases, among them heart disease- from which many will ultimately die- and Read More

Atkins Induction Diet Improves Glycemic Control in Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease of uncontrolled sugar. In a nutshell, uncontrolled sugar is also a huge contributing factor to obesity and heart disease. When your blood sugar goes too high, insulin comes in to escort that extra blood sugar into the cells where it can be burned for energy. But if insulin doesn’t work effectively, Read More

Atkins® Low Carb Diet for Diabetics

Over the past few years, a significant amount of research- much of it reported in this newsletter- has shown that low-carb diets are effective not only for weight loss, but for improving many measures of risk for heart disease and diabetes. Now a new study from the prestigious Albert Einstein College of Medicine shows that Read More

Atkins Diet Beats Low-Fat for Improving Metabolic Syndrome

Over the years, thousands of people have turned to the Atkins dietary strategy of reduced sugar and carbohydrates for its demonstrated ability to help people lose weight and keep it off. But in the last decade, emerging research has shown over and over again, that the Atkins diet can actually accomplish even more than that. Read More

Are Your Kids at Risk for Diabetes?

Childhood obesity is now an epidemic, and childhood diabetes is right behind it. And we’re not talking about type 1 diabetes. Rather, it’s type 2 diabetes. Ironically, this used to be called adult-onset diabetes because kids never had it. Now it’s turning up in younger and younger children. The estimates are truly terrifying: one in Read More

Get to Know Diabetes: How Atkins Can Help

November is National Diabetes Month, a time to shine a spotlight on diabetes prevention and control. This challenging disease affects millions of people, but it can be prevented and controlled through important lifestyle changes. Here’s what you need to know: While there are actually three types of diabetes (see below), when we talk about diabetes Read More

Trans Fats Heat Up

The trans fat brouhaha has been hot news, even if it’s about an old hat. Researchers at Harvard and elsewhere have made it plain that trans fatty acids have been a health risk since the 1930s, when the swift expansion of margarine consumption put trans fat firmly on the breakfast table. Little guessing the harm Read More

Why Not Low-Fat Atkins?

Fat is the mechanism that makes controlled-carbohydrate weight loss work. Atkins teaches you how to use fat to your advantage. When you are doing Atkins, fat is your friend, not only because it is satiating (keeps you fuller for longer), but also because it slows down the release of glucose into the blood. By moderating Read More

Trans Fats: The Truth in Labeling

TRANS FATS: TRUTH IN LABELING? Beginning in 2006, the US Government has mandated that trans fats have to be listed on the nutrition facts label of every food. You might think that would be the end of the matter. Just look for “no trans fats” on the label, or a big Zero next to the Read More

The Dangers of Trans Fats

Manufactured hydrogenated oils, which your body cannot digest, are a serious risk to heart health. Many Americans are still unaware that the one of the most harmful heart-health trends of the last century was the gradual replacement of healthy natural fats with foods such as margarine. Many margarines were formed by hydrogenating or partially hydrogenating Read More

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