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Just in time for Valentine’s Day: 7 heart-healthy tips

The month of February is not just about flowers and chocolate (preferably a chocolate Atkins bar or shake). February is also American Heart Month. Take some time to be good to your heart, and share these heart-healthy tips with your friends and family. 1. Measure your middle: Waist size forecasts heart health better than weight Read More

High Carb Link to Heart Attacks

A landmark research study by Dr. Michael Shechter of Tel Aviv University’s Sackler School of Medicine and the Heart Institute of Sheba Medical Center, with collaboration of the Endocrinology Institute, shows exactly how high carbohydrate foods increase the risk for heart problems. Researchers looked at four groups of volunteers. One group ate a cornflake mush Read More

Healthy Hearts: Five Atkins-friendly tips for a healthy heart

February is American Heart Month and for good reason. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One in every three deaths is from heart disease and stroke, which is equal to 2,200 deaths per day. There are many factors that play a role in the development of heart disease. Some Read More

Do You Have Metabolic Syndrome?

As waistlines expand, so does the epidemic of metabolic syndrome. It’s estimated that nearly one of every four American adults has this condition(1). If you’re one of them, it puts you on the track to developing type 2 diabetes and triples your risk for heart disease down the road. The identification of metabolic syndrome two Read More

Heart Health Tips: Benefits of a Low Carb Diet on Heart Health

It’s a sobering fact: Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. Since February is American Heart Month, it’s an important time to make sure you’re doing everything you can do to keep your ticker in tip-top shape. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the following heart health tips: Don’t smoke Maintain a healthy Read More

The Path to Diabetes

The modern American diet is grossly tipped toward refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flour, both of which rank high on the glycemic index. When you eat such junk foods, your body overreacts: So much glucose pours into your bloodstream that your pancreas goes into emergency mode and pumps out excessive insulin. In your Read More

The Deadly Duo

Ask a handful of people: “What is the leading cause of heart disease?” They’ll probably guess high cholesterol, heredity—perhaps obesity. The right answer: Diabetes. About 75 percent of people who have diabetes will die of heart disease. The same conditions that eventually lead to a diagnosis of diabetes also cause artery-narrowing plaques to build up, Read More

One Name, Two Diseases

To add to the confusion that often surrounds diabetes, two different conditions, known as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, share the name. Both types involve insulin, the hormone that facilitates the movement of glucose into cells to be burned or stored. Simply put, type 1 diabetes reflects a problem in insulin production that results Read More

Insulin Made Simple

Most people are vaguely aware that insulin has a relationship to blood sugar levels, but unless they have diabetes or live with someone who does, they know little more than that. Our six questions and answers explain how insulin works and its relationship to metabolic syndrome. What is insulin? It’s a hormone made and released Read More

The Potential* Benefits of Living Low Carb for Diabetics

Numerous studies in a variety of settings show dramatic improvements in blood glucose control and blood lipids in type 2 diabetics consuming a low-carb diet (1–5). When these studies included a low-fat, high-carb comparison group, the low-carb diet consistently showed superior effects on blood glucose control, medication reduction, blood lipids and weight loss. Weight loss Read More

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