How it Works


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Phase One

Induction is a brief, jump-start phase that triggers your body to predominantly burn fats. As you reduce carbs, your body will be prompted to use fat for fuel, resulting in weight loss from this fat-burning metabolism. Induction lasts 14 days, after which you should see significant results. Beginning with Induction is your choice — you Read More

Phase Four

Phase 4: Lifetime Maintenance Lifetime Maintenance is utopia for those doing Atkins. It is a time to prove your commitment to the sensible eating plan that has brought you close to your goal weight and given you energy, better health, confidence, and insight about yourself. Define your life with Lifetime Maintenance and make healthy habits Read More

Phase 4: Lifetime Maintenance

Phase 4: Lifetime Maintenance Lifetime Maintenance is utopia for those doing Atkins. It is a time to prove your commitment to the sensible eating plan that has brought you close to your goal weight and given you energy, better health, confidence, and insight about yourself. Define your life with Lifetime Maintenance and make healthy habits Read More

Nutrition Shakes for a Healthy Lifestyle

Want good nutrition benefits from a delicious shake? Here’s how to choose—and use—the best ones. Shakes were once among the best-kept secrets in the fitness world. Bodybuilders drank them daily for muscle enhancement, dieters used them to control both calories and appetite and so-called health nuts regarded them as a terrific source of vitamins, minerals Read More

Moving Into Ongoing Weight Loss

As you leave behind the regimen of Induction, it’s time to proceed with caution! First of all, congratulations on reaching the first stage of your goal! Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL) is where you’ll start tailoring the Atkins Nutritional Approach™ to fit your special tastes; it’s what makes Atkins so unique and such a pleasure. But Read More

Love Eating Out? Love This!

Adore eating out, but afraid of the consequences? The truth is that almost any cuisine can fit into a healthy lifestyle. Whether your passion is American or Chinese, Italian or Mexican, you’ll find that by adhering to a few basic principles, you can sample all the tastes the world has to offer–with gusto not guilt! Read More

Low-Carb More Effective in Lowering Blood Pressure than Low-Fat and Orlistat

A study recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has demonstrated that a low-carb diet is more effective at lowering blood pressure than the weight–loss drug orlistat in concert with a low-fat diet. William S. Yancy, Jr., an associate professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center and the lead author of the study, Read More

Love Atkins? Spread the Word!

It’s a wonderful feeling when you’ve lost a few pounds (or 50!) on Atkins and your friends and family start to notice. After seeing your results, they may even want to start Atkins, too. Here’s what you need to answer their questions and help get them started: How does Atkins work? Your body burns both Read More

Kitchen Couture: Customizing Your Healthy Home

Welcome ! Since there are hundreds of delicious recipes that are just a click away on the main site, in this article we’re going to concentrate on food shopping, selecting appliances and utensils, and cooking techniques. Whether you’ve just learned to boil water or you’re a whiz in the kitchen, you’ll find the information Read More

It’s Not Just a Matter of Raw Willpower

The Willpower Myth The myth: Successful weight loss is simply a matter of willpower.The reality: Like hair color, you inherit your metabolism, and metabolic characteristics vary greatly among individuals. Some of the best demonstrations that genes control metabolism involve research on identical twins. When many sets of twins were given the same reduced-calorie diet, all Read More

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