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221-230 of 464 Results for "All"

Substitutions and Recipes for Starting a Low-Carb Diet

From gluten-free and liquid to paleo and flexitarian, everyone seems to be on a diet these days. If you’re considering a lifestyle change, which diet do you choose and how will you stay on track? In the longstanding battle between low-fat and low-carb diets, a recent study reveals low-carb diets are more effective for weight-loss. Read More

New Research Study Supports Low-Carb Over Low-Fat Diet for Weight Loss

It’s no question that the US has been facing an ongoing epidemic—obesity. The Food Research and Action Center reports that more than two-thirds of US adults are obese or overweight (Ogden et al., 2014). This month, Trust for America’s Health Organization disclosed that adult obesity rates have remained high nationwide and no state has experienced Read More

New Products: Caramel Treats

Candy shops are full of wonderful delights. In the glass cases lie sweets made with chocolate, nuts, caramel, nougat, marshmallows, and more! If the combination of chocolate and caramel sound pretty good right about now, then you’re in luck! Atkins new caramel treats, Pecan Caramel Clusters and Milk Chocolate Caramel Squares, fit right in with Read More

Low Carb Egg Recipes

World Egg Day is celebrated every year on the second Friday in October! For those following a low carb diet, such as Atkins 20, Atkins 40, or Atkins 100 this day is the perfect holiday to celebrate because eggs are low in carbs while high in protein. If you’re not quite sure which low carb Read More

Low Carb Halloween Recipes & Recipe Ideas

Halloween is scary—especially when you’re on a low carb diet and surrounded by candy with nowhere to escape. Don’t turn into a sugar-crazed zombie; back away from the candy bowl. The low carb Halloween recipes below provide homemade, delicious alternatives to your typical sugar-loaded treats. If you simply must indulge in some store-bought treats, try Read More

5 Carbs to Avoid on a Low Carb Diet

That white bread has been sitting in your refrigerator untouched ever since you started your low carb diet. You’ve been strong and followed the list of foods to avoid to lose weight while on a low carb diet, but why keep the temptation around? Throwing away the simple carbs lying around your house will help keep Read More

Ten Tips to Get In Shape

To help you out, here are 10 tricks to work in workouts, which can help you manage your time. Ride, run or walk to work. If you have a shower at work, this is a great way to start the day and make the most of your time. Work out at lunchtime. A midday exercise Read More

Give your Brain a Boost

For a long time we’ve known that exercise strengthens the heart and improves cardiovascular health. Makes sense, doesn’t it? The heart is a muscle, and if you exercise it, it will get stronger, just like the biceps or the quadriceps. And the job of the heart — one of them, anyway — is to pump Read More

Low Carb Diet Exercise to Lose Weight

Ready to rev up your exercise program and get the most from your workout? First, lets learn how exercising on a low carb diet can help you reach and maintain your optimal weight and fitness level, plus tips for supercharging your metabolism—making your body even better at burning fat and calories. If you’re not yet Read More

Exercise Comes in Two Flavors

The best exercise programs combine aerobic and anaerobic activity: Aerobic exercise is any activity that increases your heart rate and causes you to consume more oxygen. Every cell in your body requires a constant supply of oxygen, and if you’ve been a couch potato for years, many of those cells are being deprived. This is Read More

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