Atkins Lifestyle

251-260 of 278 Results for "Atkins Lifestyle"

Saturated Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cardiovascular Disease

The following information is available at Pub Med and was not written by Atkins professionals. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Siri-Tarino, P.W., Sun, Q., Hu, F.B., Krauss, R.M., “Saturated Fat, Carbohydrate, and Cardiovascular Disease,”American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010, Jan 20. [Epub ahead of print]. A focus of dietary recommendations for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention Read More

Results are not typical

What do we mean when we say “Results not typical. Individual results will vary”? At Atkins, we always encourage people to find their optimal weight and live a healthier life by eating the right foods and staying active. However, we do want to set reasonable expectations. As we all know, everyone’s body works differently. Weight Read More

Protect Your Weight Loss

Once you’ve reached your goal weight, know that if you regain some pounds, returning briefly to an earlier phase can banish the problem. A proper lifetime eating plan utilizes all four phases of the Atkins Nutritional Approach™. That’s because, as much as you may not want to hear it, maintaining your goal weight can be Read More

Phase 1: Induction

Induction is a brief, jump-start phase that triggers your body to predominantly burn fat. As you reduce carbs, your body will be prompted to use fat for fuel, resulting in weight loss from this fat-burning metabolism. Induction lasts 14 days, after which you should see significant results. Beginning with Induction is your choice—you can begin Read More

Personal Bias or Science?

A presentation at the recent meeting of the American Heart Association in Orlando, Florida, comparing the maintenance stages of three diet regimens, Atkins, South Beach and Ornish, has relied on faulty research and a misunderstanding of Atkins protocols to suggest the Atkins diet may not be heart healthy. Dr. Michael Miller, who made the presentation, Read More

Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies Evaluating the Association of Saturated Fat with Cardiovascular Disease

The following information is available at Pub Med and was not written by Atkins professionals. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Siri-Tarino, P.W., Sun, Q., Hu, F.B., Krauss, R.M., “Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies Evaluating the Association of Saturated Fat with Cardiovascular Disease,”American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010, Jan. 13. BACKGROUND: A reduction in dietary saturated Read More

How to Follow Phase Two, Part 2

Establishing your personal Critical Carbohydrate Level for Losing (CCLL) is critical for sustained weight loss. By incrementally increasing your carbohydrate intake you can personalize an eating program that suits your individual needs, tastes and lifestyle. Your individual CCLL may be as low as 25 or as high as 50, or even more if you are Read More

How to Follow Phase Two, Part 1

Learn how to add up those grams of carb intake and you’ll be rewarded with the ongoing subtraction of excess weight. There are three key differences between Induction and Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL). The first is obvious: You will consume more carbohydrates. Second, whereas during Induction you ate your protein and fat foods—plus three cups Read More

Could we have been wrong about exercise and weight loss?

In a thought-provoking article in New York Magazine, Gary Taubes reviews the evidence for exercise and weight loss and the relationship turns out to be far more complex than most of us thought. For years, conventional wisdom held that you lose weight by exercising (and, of course, by eating less). These two cornerstones of dietary Read More

Body Shape and How to Change It

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Where do you see most of your excess body fat? Is it found around your middle? Or does it lurk in your thighs and rear end? Be honest here, because where you carry your extra pounds could make a big difference to your health. Apples at Read More

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