
41-50 of 63 Results for "Activity/Exercise"

Give your Brain a Boost

For a long time we’ve known that exercise strengthens the heart and improves cardiovascular health. Makes sense, doesn’t it? The heart is a muscle, and if you exercise it, it will get stronger, just like the biceps or the quadriceps. And the job of the heart — one of them, anyway — is to pump Read More

Low Carb Diet Exercise to Lose Weight

Ready to rev up your exercise program and get the most from your workout? First, lets learn how exercising on a low carb diet can help you reach and maintain your optimal weight and fitness level, plus tips for supercharging your metabolism—making your body even better at burning fat and calories. If you’re not yet Read More

Exercise Comes in Two Flavors

The best exercise programs combine aerobic and anaerobic activity: Aerobic exercise is any activity that increases your heart rate and causes you to consume more oxygen. Every cell in your body requires a constant supply of oxygen, and if you’ve been a couch potato for years, many of those cells are being deprived. This is Read More

Everyone Can—and Must—Find Time to Exercise

Still not convinced how important exercise is for everyone—including you? If so, take this chance to read about two recently published reports that stress the value of exercise in preventing significant health risks. The first study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, followed 73,000 postmenopausal women for an average of 3.2 years. In Read More

Carb Loading: What Is It & Why Is It Bad For My Diet?

Have you ever eaten a bagel or muffin for breakfast, and then felt either so ravenously hungry or lethargic by late-morning that you wolfed down a sugar-filled energy bar? Now ask yourself why anyone would want to go to the gym in that condition—you’d probably spend the whole workout feeling like you couldn’t get out Read More

To stretch or not to stretch? There shouldn’t be a question!

Stretching is one of the easiest, yet most often neglected components to a balanced workout routine. It can be done virtually anywhere, anytime and requires zero equipment. Why You Should Stretch When performed properly, stretching does more for your body than increase flexibility. While you aren’t burning many calories in the stretching phase of a Read More

How To Do Atkins Right: 10 Mistakes to Avoid

Everyone makes mistakes, but you can learn from ours and save yourself some time and heartache! Here’s how to do Atkins right and avoid making some all-too-common errors: Mistake #1: Counting Total Carbs, not Net Carbs. On Atkins, you need to count Net Carbs, which are the grams of total carbs minus grams of fiber, Read More

Eat This, Not That! Tasty low-carb alternatives to high-carb classics

Just because you’re following Atkins doesn’t mean you have to say good-bye to pasta, chips, or bread. There are plenty of delicious low-carb alternatives that will satisfy your hunger for these favorites while you still lose weight. Get the recipes below and your waistline will thank you! Lettuce Wrapped Burger This delicious, classic American recipe Read More

What is good for your brain and your heart?

According to Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, PhD, of the University of California, Los Angeles, exercise actually helps the regeneration of damaged brain circuits. And according to new research from Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, a sustained exercise program may also help slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease. If started early enough in life, exercise might Read More

Just in time for Valentine’s Day: 7 heart-healthy tips

The month of February is not just about flowers and chocolate (preferably a chocolate Atkins bar or shake). February is also American Heart Month. Take some time to be good to your heart, and share these heart-healthy tips with your friends and family. 1. Measure your middle: Waist size forecasts heart health better than weight Read More

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