Colette's Blog

A Few Pearls from Research Roundup

November 17, 2014

I usually spend a lot of time keeping my figure on the pulse of emerging Atkins Research. In my poking around recently, I came across these pearls of wisdom I found interesting. Common sense really, but interesting in the sense that they actually studied this. Enjoy!

Mind the exercise.

Physical activity may help stave off Alzheimer’s disease among people in their 80s. More than 700 older adults, average age 81, with good cognition at the start of the study, was monitored for physical activity. Researchers tracked the participants’ mental function over the next four years. The most active participants were half as likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

Source: Neurology published online April 18, 2012

What does this mean to you? It’s never too early to start an exercise program. In fact, another study shows that ketogenic diets may also slow the progression or risk of developing Alzheimer’s. A low-carb diet, in combination with exercise, is good for your body and your mind!

Words Can Hurt.

If you’ve ever complained to a friend that you’re feeling “chunky”, that’s the kind of talk that may not be good for your well-being. The researchers found that male and female college students given questionnaires to assess their satisfaction with their bodies found the “fat talk” participants were more likely to be depressed and have a poor body image.

The researchers say that positive talk like “I will lose 5 pounds” is actually more motivational. But simply moaning about an imperfect body takes a toll on the mind.

Source: Journal of Applied Communication Research May 2012.

What does this mean to you? Keep up the positive self-talk, and you’re more likely to be successful with your weight-loss goals.

The Grain of Truth.

Underscoring the importance of avoiding refined grains, an analysis of seven studies involving more than 350,000 people found that the more white rice a person ate, the greater his or her risk of developing type II diabetes, especially among Asians.

Each daily serving of white rice was associated with an 11% increase in diabetes risk. Not only is the white stuff higher in glycemic index (the measure of how food affects blood sugar); it’s also stripped of most fiber vitamins and nutrients, researchers said. (Duh, how long did it take for them to figure that out?)

Source: British Journal of Medicine, published online March 15, 2012.

What does this mean to you? Atkins’ focus on protein, heart healthy fats, and unrefined carbs, especially vegetables, will ensure you are getting plenty of fiber, vitamins and nutrients.

The Nose Knows.

A food smell may affect portion control, but not in the way you might expect. Researchers who gave men and women vanilla custard with varying aroma intensities learned that people take smaller bites of food when it has a strong scent.

Plus, they continue to take smaller bites, even if the scent has diminished. The study authors say people may naturally regulate their sensations with their bite-size, so a large bite might make up for a lack of aroma.

Source: Flavor, March 20, 2012.

What does this mean to you? Foods with strong aroma intensities may not just be more flavorful, but also help you with portion control.

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