Colette's Blog

The Rising Cost of Diabetes

April 6, 2018

The journal Diabetes Care just published a report called the “Economic Cost of Diabetes in the U.S.” It updates previous estimates of the cost of type-2 diabetes, and just like many waistlines around the country, the numbers continue to expand by the year. Since 2012, the economic costs of diabetes increased by 26% because more people are being diagnosed with diabetes and it’s becoming more expensive to manage the disease. In fact, care for people diagnosed with diabetes accounts for ¼ of all health care spending.

 If you have diabetes, you may be spending an average of $16,750 year on medical expenses, with about $9,600 of this directly related to your diabetes diagnosis. The total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in 2017 is $327 billion, which includes $237 in direct medical costs and $90 billion in reduced productivity. And notice I said “diagnosed diabetes”… this does not include the medical expenses or loss in productivity for anyone with prediabetes or metabolic syndrome.

 Unfortunately, diabetes has become a thriving industry, and doctors are quick to prescribe drugs to manage type-2 diabetes, but I’ve always believed there is a better solution. Making a lasting lifestyle change by embracing a low carb diet like Atkins may help prevent and control type-2 diabetes, and there’s plenty of research to back this up. In fact, Atkins may be the best diet for preventing and controlling diabetes!

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