Colette's Blog

Low Carb Diet Benefits: Good for Heart Health

May 17, 2018

Increased aortic stiffness is an independent indicator of heart disease, and previous studies have shown that participants who followed low fat or low calorie diets for eight to 24 weeks were able to decrease this heart disease indicator. It’s well known that you can lose weight on a low carb diet in a relatively short amount of time, and a new study examines whether a low carb diet would also reduce aortic stiffness in a less time than when following a low fat or low calorie diet. After just four weeks while following a low carb diet, participants not only lost weight, but experienced significant reductions in blood pressure, blood insulin levels and triglycerides. The women participants also experienced a significant reduction in aortic stiffness.

 During the study, all the participants were given Atkins prepared meals for the first two weeks, and then they followed Atkins on their own for the next two weeks. When you look at the reported health benefits and weight loss, these are pretty remarkable results after just one month. Imagine how much more powerful they could be if a low carb diet is followed for a longer term. We see the real-world impact of Atkins on health and weight loss all the time, but it’s always encouraging when science continues to support the fact that a low carb diet like Atkins works.



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