4th of July Is Over – Get Back on Track

June 30, 2016

If you celebrated independence from your diet at this year’s Independence Day barbecue, you may have a food hangover today. Whether you had a little something extra or really went to town, today is a new day. Beating yourself up won’t help you get back on track. Instead, inspire yourself with our list of five tips to recommit.

1. Remind Yourself Why Your Diet Matters

Maybe you’re trying to lose weight for a big event, or perhaps you just feel better physically when you eat low carb. Either way, today’s a good day to remind yourself why sticking to your diet matters to you. Try writing a list of all the benefits, then tape it somewhere prominent so you see it often.

2. Give Yourself a Mantra

Getting back on track after a setback can feel overwhelming. A simple mantra can distill the overwhelming down to a few powerful words, such as “nothing tastes as good as fit feels.” There’s no right or wrong way to come up with a mantra—the most important thing is that it feels personal and powerful to you. When you’re tempted to reach for the sugar, repeat your mantra for extra strength.

3. Be Accountable

Planning meals in advance and keeping a food journal are two simple, but effective ways to stick to a diet. These actions help you stay mindful of what you’re eating so you’re less likely to make choices on impulse. (If pen and paper aren’t your thing, try our mobile app.) Another great tactic to stay accountable is to use the buddy system. Turn to your partner or find a friend who shares your goals. You can also register with Atkins and tap into our online community for support.

4. Make It Fun

Let’s be honest, you’re more likely stick to a weight loss plan if it feels like a pleasure, not a punishment. The beauty of the Atkins plan is that it helps you lose weight without feeling deprived. You can make the experience even more positive by trying a new recipe, picking out some fresh and colorful produce at the grocery store, signing up for a dance class, or going for a hike with friends. After all, the real goal of maintaining a healthy diet and weight should be to empower yourself to live life with gusto.

5. Make a Plan to Stay on Track Next Holiday

It’s easier to stay on the wagon if you never fall off in the first place. Take what you learned from the 4th of July and make a plan so you’re more successful at the next holiday gathering. Maybe staying hydrated with plenty of water helps you avoid those sugary treats. Or you might find most success by simply filling one plate for yourself and staying away from all the chips and other munchies that are so easy to lose track of. Whatever the case, look at where you faltered (without beating yourself up) and think about how you can do better next time.

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