My Story:
As a stay-at-home mom, both my daughters needed a healthy and happy role model. I wanted to get my health and weight under control before they realized just how unhealthy I was. I also wanted to get “me” back. I had to realize that I was worth it. I remember stepping on the scale that first day and just crying, trying to figure out what had happened and wondering how I got to be 237 pounds. Now 92 pounds lighter, I have not only shed the weight but have worked through the reasons why I got so heavy in the first place. I needed to put me first. As I got healthier, everything else in my life fell into place. I have new goals and a new outlook on what I want my life to be.
The most challenging part was making sure I made time for myself. The easiest parts were the food and exercise. The food was not an obstacle at all. I found a large variety of choices that I liked and worked for me. The exercise was great because I also included my family in it as much as possible. Everyone has been really supportive and some have never seen me this small before! I have been married nine years, and I weigh less than I did when I met my husband. The support from family and friends is a motivating factor and a necessary tool to move forward. My husband has been my biggest supporter, and I wouldn’t be where I am now without him. For me, Atkins provided the tools necessary to make big changes in my life. I learned to change my eating habits, my shopping habits and habits that I didn’t know contributed to my weight gain over the years. I look at food so differently these days, and it’s hard to believe what I used to consume. I feel blessed to have had the mindset, the motivation and the support to move forward in life. I can honestly say I have never been healthier or happier! I am so grateful for the Atkins approach to weight loss—now my daughters only know the happy and healthy Mom, and I have my life back!
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: Where do I start? Any sort of fresh green salad. Baked chicken cordon bleu, low-carb wraps with fresh turkey and veggies, deviled eggs, garden frittata. I could go on and on. I also love all the Atkins Advantage and Endulge bars and shakes.